Well, I've always been a lifelong learner.
1. Begin With an End in Mind~ this is hard for me because I usually have a problem choosing an end. I am one of those people that starts lots of books and projects at a time. But choosing an end is good because you have a goal and you have to set a reasonable goal and keep in mind that it can be changed. For example, if I set out to learn to cook and I master macaroni and cheese, I can always change my goal to mastering lasagna and so forth.
2. Accept responsibility for your own learning~ not usually very hard. I was always one of those annoying students who read ahead or read the whole text if it captured my attention. Think Hermione Granger.
3. View problems as challenges~ this is also hard for me because I've always been a person who's good at everything. A very fast learner. So when there's a problem I tend to think I've hit the wall and I get frustrated instead of being proactive.
4. Have confidence in yourself~ this is pretty easy for me generally but I do have pitfalls sometimes like everyone
5. Create your own toolbox~ This is quite easy for me. I can find books or websites about almost anything and I have a large "brain trust" of people of different occupations, ages, and backgrounds, I can ask about things.
6. Use technology to your advantage~ this is quite easy for me. I was using computers when I was 5 making animals on a monochrome Apple IIc. I had my first exposure to the Internet when I was 10. I am not a technophobe by any grasp of the imagination.
7. Teach and mentor others~ Well, I am not the most patient teacher in the world, that's for sure, so that's something I should work on. As long as the person is showing a genuine willingness to learn and is not merely asking me to do their job for them because they're afraid of learning something new though, I'm cool.
7.5 PLAY! I reealllly have no problem PLAYING :-)