Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thing #16~ wikis

Wikis are a great method of collaborative learning and cooperative efforts. I particularly liked the Subject Guides one and how it ties in with that library's catalog and highlights parts of the collection customers might be interested in in a different way. Perhaps because I'm so ADD I love all of these different types of information about the same subject all in one place. I'm a fan of wikipedia too, although I wasn't in school when it became all the rage to use it as the only resource for one's work. I can imagine it must be the bane of some teachers' existence ;-) I think it's a great jumping off point, sort of like how Cliffs Notes are good to use as a supplement to the original work of literature. Plus wiki is fun to say. WIKI! Although I never knew what it stood for until I heard it explained one time, it means What I Know Is :-) What I know is, wikis are neat!

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